10 Offbeat Museums in Germany You Won’t want to Miss!

This is a guest post from Naddya, a Bulgarian expat living in Germany. here she shares some of her preferred museums in the country. count on us, these aren’t your every day, boring museums! have a look and learn much more about Naddya in the author’s bio below.

Do you think museums are boring? have you went to a museum and wanted to leave roughly 5 minutes after you’ve walked in? Well, so have I!

Doesn’t it just seem plain wrong to take something out of its context, put it behind a glass with or without some boring explanation and expect visitors to be fascinated by the display? Luckily, the museum world is so diverse and collections are available for any taste or interest imaginable.

Some offer interactive content, while others are situated in the original surroundings of the industry they represent. I’ve gather a list of 10 fascinating German museums, which I’m sure will make you think differently about museum visits.

I bet I can make you so overjoyed with enthusiasm that you’ll start booking a trip and purchasing tickets online for your next museum visit by the time you’ve finished reading this post.

10 | 1st German Sausage Museum: It’s All about The Sausage

If you’ve ever been to Germany, you’ll know just how essential Bratwurst (sausage) for Germans is. Every province and county has its own recipe, with Thuringia having probably the most popular one.

Every market, supermarket, festival, food cart, butcher, café, pub and restaurant serves the local sausage specialty. The weirdest place I’ve seen Bratwurst being sold? inside Berlin’s Cathedral back in 2007!

The 1st German museum of the Bratwurst should be then something very German and very fascinating, right? even the street where it’s situated is called Bratwurstweg – Sausage Road!

Image by WikiCommons
Along with machinery for the sausage production, the collection also shows the oldest check found for a sausage feast, as well as files and anecdotes about the sausage. To the museum belong a Bratwursttheater – Sausage theater and, of course, Bratwurstscheune – Sausage restaurant with common specialties from the Thuringia province.

Category: Food industry

Name: 1. Deutsches Bratwurstmuseum – 1st German Sausage Museum

Address: Bratwurstweg 1, 99334 Amt Wachsenburg

Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday, holidays 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM (from April till October)

Tickets: Under 4: totally free admission; Under 18: 1.50 €; Adults: 3.00 €

9 | The Potato Museum: everything You need To know about Potatoes

What’s even much more essential and is served even much more often on the German table than sausages? That’s right, potatoes! If it wasn’t for potatoes, the post-WWII Germany would have starved to death. Which discusses the fascination with the vegetable and the various museums, dedicated to it.

Image by WikiCommons

The Kartoffelmuseum in Munich displays a collection on the history of potato harvesting dating back to the Inkas, market sceneries, art dedicated to or inspired by potatoes, different usages of the potato except as food and products made out of potatoes.


Potravinársky priemysel

Name: Das Kartoffelmuseum – The Potato Museum

Address: GrafingerStraße 2, 81671 München

Opening hours: Friday 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Saturday 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Tickets: totally free admission

8 | German museum For Hygiene: Experience Your Body like never Before

It’s a good idea to wash your hands before eating, but we changed the purchase a little bit here. This museum isn’t just about washing your hands and brushing your teeth, though.

Along with eating and drinking, the exhibitions concentrate on living and dying, sexuality, mentality, charm and much much more (find out the rest for yourself!). The museum is interactive and visitors are welcome to take part in different experiments in purchase to test their thoughts and feelings.

Category: Health

Name: Deutsches Hygiene-Museum – German museum for Hygiene

Address: Lingnerplatz 1, 01069 Dresden

Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday, holidays 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Tickets: Under 16: totally free admission; decreased admission: 3.00 €; Adults: 7.00 €

7 | museum For Bathing Culture: wellness and medspa Weren’t created Yesterday

It’s not all about stylish bathing suits in this museum. The collection is distinct in Europe. The range of displayed objects is from Roman toiletries to the interior of a medieval bathhouse, from curious inventions of the last century to modern beach fashion and current restroom designs.

Image by: WikiCommons

Numerous multimedia stations invite all visitors to experienCE so všetkými ich zmyslami. Dúfajme, že do prehliadky nie sú zahrnuté odlišné pachy.

Kategória: kultúra

Meno: Múzeum der Badkultur – múzeum pre kultúru kúpania

Adresa: Andreas-Broicher-Platz 1, 53909 Zülpich

Otváracie hodiny: utorok – piatok 10:00 – 17:00, víkendy, sviatky 11:00 – 18:00

Vstupenky: do 18 rokov: Úplne bezplatné vstupné; Znížený vstup: 3,00 €; Dospelí: 4,00

6 | Nemecké karnevalové múzeum: Poďme na párty, akoby zajtra neexistuje

Vedeli ste, že karnevaly v Rio de Janeiro, Benátka, Dusseldorf a Kolínia oslavujú to isté? Je čas pred začiatkom predbežného pôstu pre katolíkov a je to posledná príležitosť jesť mäso (Carne) a uvoľnenie. Toto je jedna z najlepších vecí v Kolíne! Ak ste načasovali svoju návštevu na november, je to otvorenie karnevalovej sezóny – hoci sa veci skutočne zvyšujú medzi tučným štvrtkom a popolom.

Skutočne nemôžete porovnávať kostýmy v Riu s kostomi v Benátkach a určite nie s kostýmami v polovici zimy v nemeckých mestách na Rýne, ale aj keď nie sú také krásne a atraktívne ako brazílske alebo talianske kostýmy, nemec Stále si zaslúžia svoje vlastné múzeum.

Obrázok: Wikicommons
Nemecké karnevalové múzeum sa nachádzajú okrem iného jedna z najvýznamnejších zbierok všetkého, čo súvisí s karnevalom: tisíce kostýmov, medailí, literárnych kúskov, masiek a toho, čo nie od stredovekého veku do modernej doby.

Kategória: kultúra

Meno: Deutsches Fastnachtmuseum – Nemecké karnevalové múzeum

Adresa: Luitpoldstraße 4, 97318 Kitzingen

Otváracie hodiny: utorok – nedeľa 13:00 – 17:00

Vstupenky: Do 6 rokov: Úplne bezplatné vstupné; Znížené prijatie: 4,44 €; Dospelí: 5,55 €

5 | Colliery Zollverein: Priemyselná kultúra v srdci západného Nemecka

Toto nie je len múzeum. Je to celý komplex a stránka svetového dedičstva UNESCO. Komplex múzea sa nachádza na areáli zrážky, ktorý bol kedysi zreteľnou inštaláciou na spracovanie tvrdého uhlia.

Uhoľná baňa a jej dôvody boli založené v roku 1847 a uzavreté v roku 1993, boli v roku 2001 pridané do zoznamu svetových dedičstiev UNESCO a v období rokov 2003 – 2006 sa zmenili na rôzne múzeá.

Monument Road: Autentické inštalácie zrážky, vrátane výletu v hriadeľoch

Múzeum dizajnu červeného bodu: 1 000+ produktov s úžasnými dizajnmi z celého sveta

Múzeum Ruhr: Regionálne múzeum, ukazujúce kultúru, prírodu a históriu regiónu Ruhr od fosílií po ťažbu

Gastronómia: Od Currywurst po kuchyňu Nového sveta

Miesta udalostí vrátane kasína: priestory priemyselného štýlu pre všetky typy udalostí, koncerty pod holým nebom, predstavenia a workshopy

ICE Kastle: Otvorené v decembri na ploche 1800 m2 medzi impozantným koksovým pecám, rúrkami s hrdzou a vysokými komínmi

1,5 milióna návštevníkov ročne sa nemôže mýliť, toto múzeum je oveľa viac ako hodnota návštevy a nevedie sa v tom, že si myslíte, že za pár hodín vidíte všetko. Budete potrebovať aspoň pár dní alebo pár návštev, ale nebojte sa – môžete si tiež rezervovať balíčky s nočným pobytom.

Kategória: Ťažobný priemysel, umenie a dizajn, história

Meno: Zeche Zollverein – Colliery Zollverein: Priemyselný komplex uhoľných baní

Adresa: Gelsenkirchenerstraße 181, 45309 Essen

Otváracie hodiny a lístky: Nájdite všetky relevantné informácie tu

Ďalšie informácie: Plán komplexu

4 | Múzeum farebného skla: bohužiaľ umierajúce umenie

Už ste niekedy išli do kostola alebo katedrály a zastavili ste sa v úcte, aby ste sa pozreli na farebné okná z farebného skla? Kedysi sa vo všetkých kostoloch a vznešených domovoch použilo farebné sklo. V súčasnosti je to bohužiaľ umierajúce umenie.

Múzeum je jedným z druhov a spolu s históriou výroby farebného skla vykazuje umenie z 20. a 21. storočia na 7 poschodiach v slnečnej budove, ktorá kedysi slúžila ako mlyn na obilie.

V tomto múzeu vidíte rovnaké okná, aké vidíte v katedrále pred tvárou, nie niekde vysoko nad hlavou, kde nemôžete rozlíšiť žiadne detaily zobrazené scéna. Môžete si dokonca vziať workshop pri výrobe vlastných umeleckých diel vitráže. A dozviete sa, že najdrahšia farba je žltá, pretože sa vyrába zmiešaním v drahých kovoch.

Kategória: čl

Názov: múzeum Glasmalerei – múzeum farebného skla

Adresa: Rurstraße 9-11, 52441 Linnich

Otváracie hodiny: utorok – nedeľa 11:00 – 17:00

Vstupenky: Do 5: Úplne bezplatné vstupné; Znížený vstup: 5,00 €; Dospelí: 6,00 €

3 | Nemecké banské múzeum: Všetko, čo sa dá vedieť o ťažbe

Áno, je to Museum with machinery and stones on display, I admit. The most significant exhibit, however, is the 70+ m high green headframe, which previously stood above the main shaft of the Germania mining complex in Dortmund.

It was transported and rebuilt in Bochum in 1973. If weather conditions allow it, don’t miss the view over the Ruhr region from its top. and if that’s not fascinating enough, 20 m below the ground, the museum maintains a visitor mine, constructed to resemble a real mine, with a 2.5 km network of tunnels.

Here visitors can see the outstanding mining machines from close up, get an idea of the work underground, and feel like real miners for a little while.

Category: Mining Industry

Name: Deutsches Bergbau museum – German Mining Museum

Address: Am Bergbaumuseum 28, 44791 Bochum

Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM, weekends 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Tickets: decreased admission: 3.00 €; Adults: 6.50 €

2 | Sauerland visitor Mine Ramsbeck: welcome To The Bowels Of The Earth

So you got all pumped up and enthusiastic about all the previous mining industry gems? then it’s time to visit a real mine. Mine Rambeck closed in 1974 as the amount of lead and zinc won was not worth to maintain it and reopened for visitors just a few months later with everything still in its place.

One of the ex-miners is now your friendly guide and joins you on a ride in the original miners’ train into the depths of the mountain, where he shows you how the machinery works, how the ore was transported to the surface and where, well, miners went to the toilet during their shifts.

Category: Mining Industry

Name: Sauerländer Besucherbergwerk Ramsbeck – Sauerland visitor Mine Ramsbeck

Address: Glück-Auf-Straße 3, 59909 Bestwig-Ramsbeck

Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Tickets: Under 16, decreased admission: 5.50 €; Adults: 8.50 €

Additional information: Helmets and jumpsuits are provided.

1 | The government Bunker: Survivalists know best Why You need One

It was built in the middle of the cold War. The objective was to safeguard West Germany’s government in the event of an atom war. The government was situated in nearby capital Bonn at the time, which discusses the location of the bunker.

The project was so secret, that along with the builders, a team of biologists were recruited, whose goal was to cover the hill, where the bunker was buried, with fast growing trees in purchase to hide the location from possible air espionage as soon as possible.

The secrecy is sort of still kept today, as the official address of the bunker is at Number 0 on a road, challenging to be found even with a modern navigation system.

Category: History

Name: Der Regierungsbunker – The government Bunker

Address: Am Silberberg 0, 53474 bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler

Opening hours: Wednesday, Weekends, holidays 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM (from March – November)

Tickets: Under 12: totally free admission; Under 16: 4.00 €; decreased admission: 6.00 € – 8.00 €; Adults: 9.00 €

Additional information: Guided visits only, duration roughly 90 min. constant inside temperature: 12° C = 53.6° F.

So you see, not all museums are boring, right? Some are pretty fascinating and even mind-blowing. If you think I’ve kept my guarantee and you’re actually mind-blown by the gems on the list, I wouldn’t mind you saying so in the comments below!

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