Chiayi City is the normal jumpoff point to Alishan national forest recreation Area. Although direct buses are available, the most popular way of getting there is by taking the Alishan express train to Fenqihu (Fenchihu) then transfering to a bus to get to Alishan.
Why make a transfer? because the Alishan express train does not go directly to Alishan. It used to, but typhoons over the years have nearly irreparably damaged a good section of the railway. For the past several years until recently, the train can only reach as far as Fenqihu, a small village one hour from Alishan. Today, the train can go farther to Shizilu Station, but Fenqihu remains the better stopover because of the activities and transportation options available.
Why choose the train-and-bus transfer than direct bus? because Alishan express proves that the journey can be as beautiful as the destination. It is not your ordinary train. In fact, the train is one of the main attractions in Alishan.
Estetika starého sveta vlaku a železničnej siete vytvára fantáziu, akoby ste cestovali späť v čase. It is part of the bigger Alishan forest railway network, which was well established in 1899 by the Japanese to transport logs and other supplies. Today, punctuated by over 50 tunnels and over 70 wooden bridges, the network is mostly used by tourists who seek a more-than-typical train ride. In addition, making a transfer breaks the otherwise uneasy and dizzying 2-hour bus journey.
In this post, we’ll share with you how to get from Chiayi to Alishan by train and bus. You’ll be taking the Alishan express train from Chiayi to Fenqihu, then switch to a bus to get to Alishan. here we go.
CHIAYI TO ALISHAN BY TRAIN & BUS1. book a train ticket online.
2. claim your reserved tickets at Chiayi Station.
3. Board the train.
4. Alight at Fenqihu Station.
5. catch the bus to Alishan.
6. Pay the entrance fee.
7. drop by Alishan Train Station.
TOP hotels IN CHIAYISearch for a lot more Chiayi Hotels!
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSDo you have the schedule of the direct bus to Alishan?
Which Chiayi Train station does the Alishan express use: TRA or THSR?
How much is the Alishan express train ticket?
How long is the journey from Chiayi to Alishan?
Why can’t I choose other dates when booking Alishan express train?
Can I choose seats on Alishan express train?
Are there lockers at Chiayi Station?
Are there lockers at Fenqihu Station?
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1. book a train ticket online.
Visit the Alishan forest railway web site at
Only one Alishan express train runs from Chiayi on weekdays and two on weekends, which indicates it can only accommodate a very limited number of passengers. Thus, it’s best to make a reservation ahead of your trip.
The good news is, you can book a ticket on Alishan forest Railway’s official ticketing web site if your travel date is within the next 15 days. here are the rates, schedule, and travel times.
Departure times: 9:00 am daily; 9am and 9:30am Saturdays, Sundays, holidays
Travel time: 2 hours, 21 minutes.
Fare: TWD 384, adult; TWD 192, child.
We created a separate step-by-step guide here: how TO book ALISHAN TRAIN ONLINE!
Pay for your ticket within the specified period, or else the booking will be automatically canceled. You can also do it on the official web site if you have a credit scores card.
Don’t forget to take note of the reservation number. It will also be emailed to you.
2. claim your reserved tickets at Chiayi Station.
Once you’re in Chiayi City, redeem your train tickets at the Alishan express booth, located in front of the Chiayi station building. It has a very small window, so it’s quite easy to miss.
At the booth, present your reservation number and the passport you used to make the reservation. After a quick check, the staff will hand you the actual ticket.
Note that there are two Chiayi train stations: TRA (Taiwan Railways Administration) and THSR (Taiwan High speed Rail). They are 30 minutes apart. The Alishan express uses the TRA station. Make sure you’re at the ideal station so you won’t miss your train.
The Alishan express booth opens at 8:00 am, so you only have a one-hour window to claim the tickets. If you’re not spending the previous night in Chiayi, make sure you arrive at the station early.
Also, you may be approached by touts using private rides to Alishan. They’re pretty persistent, but just tell them politely that you have already paid for your tickets or simply neglect them.
3. Board the train.
Once you have your ticket, wait for your train.
The Alishan express boarding area is located on the rightmost end of the first platform, when you’re facing the rails. You’ll know you’re at the ideal place if you’re past the police Station.
When the trAin príde, uistite sa, že sa dostanete do ideálneho auta. Vstupenka označuje číslo vášho vozidla a číslo sedadla. Nepárne čísla sú na jednej strane uličky, párne čísla na druhej strane.
Čas cesty: 2 hodiny, 21 minút.
4. Vystúpte na stanici Fenqihu.
Až donedávna sa vlak Alishan Express mohol dostať až do stanice Fenqihu, takže oblasť, ktorá sa obklopovala, sa vyvinula na rušné zastávky. Táto malá dedina má niekoľko stravovacích a nákupných zariadení, ktoré vám môžu pomôcť zabíjať čas vzhľadom na to, že autobusy do Alishanu sú málo a ďaleko medzi nimi.
Väčšina turistov trávi svoj voľnobežný čas tým, že obed Bento box lokálne s názvom „Tie Lu Bian Dang“. Spravidla je ryža zakončená mäsom (zvyčajne bravčovým alebo kuracím mäsom) a zeleninou. Zvyčajne sa podáva v kompaktnej škatuli, často lepenke, dreve a neskôr v 60. rokoch, kov. Jedlá z Bento sa dajú vysledovať späť do Japonska. Podľa japonskej vlády bola postavená sieť Alishan Forest Railway. Vlak sa používal väčšinou na prepravu protokolov, uhlia a iných dodávok medzi dedinami. Železničný systém vydláždil cestu pre vzostup cestovných jedál pre pracovníkov a cestujúcich.
Zo všetkých reštaurácií Bento Box tu sa zdá, že najobľúbenejší hotel Fenchihu podáva hotel Fenchihu. Stačí hľadať tohto chlapa.
Podávajú ryžové zálievky s kuracími palicami alebo bravčovými kotletami, bambusovými výhonkami, hubami, kapustou a vajcom v historických kovových obedových krabici. Nenechajte sa odradiť, ak je miesto zabalené. Na prízemí je dostatok priestoru!
Ak máte oveľa viac času na spálenie, možno budete chcieť pozrieť na garáž vlaku Fenchihu, ktorá sa zmenila na múzeum.
5. Chyťte autobus do Alishanu.
Autobusová zastávka sa nachádza na druhej strane železnice (nie na boku reštaurácií a obchodov).
Tu je rozvrh autobusu Fenqihu-Alishan.
11:30 (autobus 7322)
12:50 PM (autobus 7322)
02:00 (autobus 7302)
Čas cesty: 1 hodina
Cestovné: TWD 98 (dospelý), TWD 49 (koncesia, dieťa), ale motorista nedáva zmeny, takže sme zaplatili TWD 100 za pax
6. Zaplaťte vstupný poplatok.
Autobus vás spadne na terminál Alishan Bus, ktorý sa nachádza mimo rekreačnej oblasti lesa. Vo vnútri budovy terminálu nájdete stroje na lístky, kde si môžete kúpiť vstupenky. Tu sú miery vstupov:
TWD 300 – Ak prichádzate autom
TWD 150 – Ak príde verejnou dopravou
TWD 10-Pre deti vo veku 3-6 rokov
Zadarmo – pre ľudí so zdravotným postihnutím + 1 spoločník a deti 2 a nižšie
Akonáhle budete mať lístky, môžete vstúpiť do parku masívnou bránou. Nebudete si to chýbať.
Táto oblasť je pomerne malá. Za hlavnou bránou je jednou z hlavných štruktúr, ktoré uvidíte, že vlaková stanica Alishan, ktorá je miestom, kde musíte byť, keď je čas preskúmať oblasť. Stanica je posadená na vrchole kopca, ktorá je otočená k dedine. Ďalej dole je hotelová oblasť, kde nájdete veľa ubytovania.
7. Drop od Alishanovej vlakovej stanice.
Predtým, ako budete pokračovať do hotela, odporúčame vám zastaviť sa na vlakovej stanici Alishan (železničná stanica lesnej železnice Alishan). Dva dôvody:
Ak chcete získať oveľa viac informácií o tejto oblasti. Zoberme si niektoré mapy alebo brožúry.
Ak chcete kúpiť vstupenky na zajtrajšiu cestu vlaku Sunrise. Alishan je pre svoj východ slnka veľa populárneho. Najlepšie je zaistiť svoje lístky skoro.
Niektoré hotely tiež predávajú vstupenky na východ slnka.
Najlepšie hotely v Alishane
Možnosti ubytovania v Alishane sú dosť obmedzené. Zvyčajne sú oveľa drahšie ako ubytovanie v iných častiach Taiwanu. Niektoré hotely tiež nemajú výťahy, preto sa uistite, že vyjadrujete svoje preferencie pre nižšiu úroveň, ak nie ste fit. Skontrolujte, či je zvyčajne medzi 15:00 a 16:00.
Tu sú najvyššie nehnuteľnosti na Agode, ktoré hodnotili ich zákazníci.
Hotel Alishan Shermuh
Alishan House. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅
Hotel Alishan Shermuh. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅
Chinshan Hotel. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅
Wun Sun Hotel. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅
Hotel Ali-Shan Kaofeng. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅
Najlepšie hotely v Chiayi
Či už chcete dostatok času dodania, aby ste chytili vlak Alishan Express, alebo jednoducho chcete preskúmať, zvážte strávenie noci v meste Chiayi. Tu sú najlepšie hotely a ubytovne hodnotené používateľmi Agoda.
Boby. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅
Hotel Discover. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅
Chiayi Petite Hostel. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅
Cestovatelia plus. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅
Wenhuadeer Inn. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť! ✅
Orange hotel – Wenhua Chiayi. check rates & Availability! ✅
Search for a lot more Chiayi Hotels!
Do you have the schedule of the direct bus to Alishan?
You can find the Chiayi-Alishan direct bus schedule here.
You can catch the bus at either the Chiayi Daya Bus station or Chiayi TRA Station.
Which Chiayi Train station does the Alishan express use: TRA or THSR?
There are two train stations in Chiayi City: TRA (Taiwan Railways Administration) and THSR (Taiwan High speed Rail). They are 30 minutes apart, so you need to make sure you’reat the ideal station or you might miss your train.
The Alishan express departs from the TRA Station.
How much is the Alishan express train ticket?
Chiayi to Fenqihu: TWD 384, adult; TWD 192, discounted
Chiayi to Shizilu: TWD 459, adult; TWD 230, discounted
Only the following are eligible for concession / half-price discount:
Passenger aged 65 or up and has a Taiwan (ROC) ID Card
Passenger who has special needs card with 1 companion
Passenger aged 6-11
Passengers who are 115cm tall but under the age of 6 can ride for FREE.
How long is the journey from Chiayi to Alishan?
Here are the travel times of Alishan Express:
Chiayi to Fenqihu 2 hours, 21 minutes.
Chiayi to Shizilu: 3 hours
From Fenqihu, it takes 1 full hour to travel by bus to Alishan. However, we encourage that you spend some time in Fenqihu, even just to eat or check out the museum.
In our experience, we booked the 9am Alishan express train, had lunch in Fenqihu, boarded the 12:50pm bus to Alishan, and arrived at our hotel at around 2:30pm. total travel time (including lunch and waits) is 5 hours 30 minutes.
Why can’t I choose other dates when booking Alishan express train?
The system allows booking dates within the next 15 days only. If your trip is scheduled beyond that, you’ll have to wait for your target date to open.
Can I choose seats on Alishan express train?
In our experience, NO. We were assigned random seats.
However, if you’re a group, the system tries to assign seats that are next or close to each other, supplied there’s availability. If available seats are scarce at the time of booking, you might be assigned separate seats.
The seat numbering system is pretty weird. All even numbers are on one side of the aisle and the odd numbers on the other. If seats you got are #10 and #12, they’re beside each other.
Are there lockers at Chiayi Station?
YES, you can find it next to the family Mart comfort store. rate is TWD 50 per 3 hours.
If you have heavy luggage but you’re only staying overnight in Alishan, you might want to consider leaving your bags at the Baggage room at the leftmost end of the terminal (if you’re facing the rails). fee is TWD 70 per bag per 24 hours.
But make sure that it’ll be open when it’s time to claim your bags. operating hours are from 8:30am-12pm, 1pm-5pm. Otherwise, you may use the a lot more expensive lockers, tucked near family Mart.
Are there lockers at Fenqihu Station?
ÁNO. There are 48 lockers available at Fenqihu Station.
Rate is TWD 50 per 3 hours.
2020 • 8 • 11
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Súvisiace príspevky:
How to book ALISHAN express TRAIN TICKETS online (Alishan forest Railway)
ALISHAN TO CHIAYI by direct BUS & TRAIN: schedule & Fares
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